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An establishment of a memorial board to general Adam Weide

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Glinka Mikhail Ivanovich


  Glinka M.I.  

Glinka Mikhail IvanovichGlinka Mikhail Ivanovich 1804-1857

Composer, founder of the Russian classical music. Author of symphonic pieces, chamberensembles, romances, operas "A Life for the Tsar" ("Ivan Susanin") and "Ruslan and Ludmila". Died in Berlin, reburied in St. Petersburg.
Granite stele with a bas-relief portrait. Architect I.I. Gor-nostayev, sculptor N.A. Laveretsky, 1859.

Russia. St. Petersburg. Nectipolis of the Masters of Art

The birthday - on June, 1st
The memory day - on February, 15th